
Pix4dmapper resume mission
Pix4dmapper resume mission

We will develop datasets, data collection protocols, portals, and analysis tools congruent with the capabilities and demands of recent advances in geospatial and sensor technology and airborne platforms. Goals / Objectives The overarching goal of the project is to support ANR's work in agricultural and natural resource research.


The Informatics and GIS project supports UCANR researchers and AES faculty in harnessing the power of these new streams of data through data acquisition with UAVs, spatial analysis and visualization with GIS, development of online portals for data access and analysis, development of software tools for data analysis, documentation of best practices and protocols, training, and technical support. Entire families of new questions are now being asked, including fine scale structural models of vegetation, spatial patterns and processes related to growth and disease, local environmental variation, and long-term environmental monitoring. Scientists in agriculture and natural resources are using these new tools to collect and analyze data at a finer spatial scale, temporal frequency, and integration never before possible. Concurrent with these advances in data collection have been equally impressive developments in analytical capabilities, including new photogrammetric algorithms that convert overlapping 2D images into highly accurate 3D models, exponentially faster CPUs and graphics hardware, parallel processing, ultra high-speed internet connectivity, machine learning techniques for image analysis, open source analytical platforms, data sharing protocols, and cloud based computing. Key technologies that have converged to produce the data revolution in agriculture include unmanned aircraft power and navigation systems, wireless transmission, data storage, GPS receivers, image CCDs, and a wide range of environmental sensors. Non Technical Summary Dramatic technological advances in the past 20 years have opened the door to a wide range of new types of data for research in agriculture and natural resources.

Pix4dmapper resume mission